Michael, Sergio, Olivia, Jaume, Julia, Jonah, Ryan, Anthony, Tristen, Vladik, and Heather

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

College Tuition, Starting Your Debt with a Bang

College Tuition, Starting Your Debt with a Bang

College tuition rises dramatically. 
The U.S has always been known for the land of opportunity, yet with the recent changes, the U.S has become the land of money. Many kids have been growing up with the thought of been succesful in school, getting good grades, and getting into a good college. But they don't know that it's much more complicated than that. They don’t know that getting the money to go to these school is harder than getting into harvard. Colleges have been charging much more money that many people can afford. Some colleges charge up to fifty thousand dollars a year. That means two hunndred thousand dollars for a bachlors degree, and that is only one child. Some parents have at least two kids, sometimes three, and maybe even four. Of course not every child will get in a college that charges fifty thousand dollars a year, but when you have three kids, it adds up.
college dept  the student
            Aside from enabling people to get a good eduction, college tuition causes many other economical problems. Since the large ressesion in 2008, people in the world have been seperated            into two groups, the rich and the poor. What people call the middle class of the world has started to vanish. More and more people have been forced to either go to the poor class, or the rich class. And lets face, it's harder to get into the rich class then the poor. College tuition has been forced parents and grandparents to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars, just to finally get into the poor class. Statistics show that it's much more wise for parents not to save up money for their kids college and save  it for when they retire. But they can't just tell their children not to go to college.
            Further more, college tuition causes people to be in debt for many years. Those smart inteligent people that are to poor to pay the whole college tuition are forced to take debts. They probably think that it's no big deal, and that once they get out of college, they'll get a job and pay the debt back in no time. But that's not realistic. After the ressesion getting a job is hard enough, getting a job and having to pay for food, a place to live, and debt you owe a college is just insane. You have to worry about  taxes, managing a decent home to live in, paying for tranportation and much more things. But as said before, the stuents don't have much of a choice. They got into an excellent college that will help them in the future, but they have to take a loan and be in debt. It'a extremly hard to get a very good scholarship so debt is their only choice. 
            When looking at the statistics, college tuition has rose dramatically from the 80's to the present time. Back then public colleges were $6,300 dollars for a four year bachlors degree. In the 90's they were $8,400 for a bachlors degree. Yet now days, the avergae college tuition for public school is at a dramatically $32,000 for a bachlors degree. But private colleges just cause parents to cry. To learn at Harvard for one year you have to pay  $33,000. For Yale $40,500 per ear. For Stanford $41,250 per year. Even worse, at Tufts $43,600 PER YEAR. This has just been a disgrrace for the American nationality. After just 30 years, public college tuition has rosed five times as much as it was in the 80's. Tuition for four-year public universities rose 8.3 percent for in-state students and 5.7 percent for out-of-state students. Some of these increasing prices are due to budget cuts, but the same thing occurred with private colleges, a 4.5 percent tuition increase in the past year. As far back as 1993, experts saw that tuition was rising so fast because parents were willing to pay the costs for college. That competition for students has also forced schools to hand out bigger and bigger scholarships, raising the price for a good education.

Her are some of the thoughts about college tuition:

Mrs.Rarick says:" I went to a private college and I think that it's crazy how much the college tuition has grown. "

Eric says: " I think the college tuition is bad in the U.S and is limiting the educaion that people need. It's bad that many people don't apply or try to get into a certain college because they know that they don't have  enough money to pay for it."
Ryan says: " The college tuition really affects the kids that try to get in to the college. The high prices that they have to pay makes it impposible for kids to get the education that they need. "

Jermey says: " I think it makes sense that good colleges request so much money from people that get in. Colleges have to manage all their faucilities and give thousands of people the education that they paid for. That being said, some colleges are sizes of citys making it hard to manage every single building they own. But of course, some very inteligent people that are poor can't afford to go to the college and that is a problem that needs to be taken care of.                                                                                                                                                             

            The United States has been in an economical problem for years now. The resesion has forced hundred of thousand of people to be jobless, unable to pay their taxes and other needs. But even after the resesion, people have somehow managed to pass it, keeping their head held high. But then came the day when their kids were old enough to aplly for college, and that’s when it all came down. The college tuition that parents are forced to pay for public and private colleges are just unreasonable. Those parents that are so proud of their inteligent and har working kids, have to manage to pay for their four year bachlors degree, and that's not including all the textbooks they must buy.  

 By: Michael Muller and Sergio Menezes word count:1011 

1 comment:

  1. Gentlemen,

    FABULOUS article. It is never too early to be aware of this fact, because college debts are painful. Don't forget though, you need to proof read for spelling errors.

    Ms. Clements
