Michael, Sergio, Olivia, Jaume, Julia, Jonah, Ryan, Anthony, Tristen, Vladik, and Heather

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Budget Cuts in School

Budget Cuts in School
By: Elizabeth Hannan


Budget cuts around us have made it hard for
everyone around the us.
 Budget Cuts have made a real bad impact on our school, other schools, and thousands of jobs around us. Teachers are being cut (6.5 job positions),classes being cut, and we don’t have a whole lot of money to buy specific materials needed for the class room. I asked a few people what they thought of the budget cuts in our school and all their responses were very similar. Elijah M. said, “The budget cuts are taking jobs away from good teachers that teach very well and who help kids learn.” I thought he was right, because if you fire the teacher, for example: there isn’t going to be technology or media lit next year, that means that the teachers are either getting fired or moved to a different school. If those teachers leave, that means that they take everything with them; there won’t be a teacher to teach that class after they leave. “Well,” said Ashley Pun, “I think it’ really sad that they’re cutting media lit and technology because people will probably need the skills form those classes throughout their career.” She finished. Another person agreed with her reply. Seungsoo Lee said that “I think they need to cut un-useful classes instead of the important classes they are cutting next year”. The budget cuts in school are very ridiculous because we need the extra education from those classes. I personally think that nobody deserves to lose their job, especially working teachers because they work hard every day to plan out what they are going to teach us or how they are going to teach it so that we can successfully graduate high school and go on to college to be able to make a change in this world. Kids dream big and teachers can help them fulfill their dreams with education they have learned over the years with the help of their teachers. If we didn’t have teachers to teach us technology or about the media and how to make articles and essays, where would society be today? I asked some one who did not allow me to put their name in the article, what else she thought the budget cuts will do to our school, besides laying off teachers and cutting some classes. She said “I think that it will affect your guys’ one-on-one education and the class sizes, because fewer teachers means more student to teacher ratio”.  This means that with fewer teachers, the class sizes will be bigger, so it will be harder for one teacher to pay attention to one specific child to help them, with more students in the classroom. My neighbor, Lily, said “ Budget cuts for middle school seems like it is going to be hard on the students already attending, plus I think that it will affect me and my fellow 5th graders coming into stoller because it will all be confusing for us, with a totally different understanding of the classes we are going to take.” So this isn’t only confusing for us middle schoolers, but for some 5th graders I know. I think that we need to keep our teachers so that I can have a better education and a good understanding of skills we are going to need when we have started our career. All I have to say is good luck to us next year 8th and 7th graders, plus the incoming 6th graders, and to try hard and pay as much attention in class as you can, because its going to be very hard to deal with the budget cuts next year with less teachers to give us the information we need to succeed.

Word Count: 606 words 

1 comment:

  1. Great article Elizabeth. Remember to leave your opinion out of the article because your aim as a journalist is to present the information withiut a bias.

    Ms. Clements
