Michael, Sergio, Olivia, Jaume, Julia, Jonah, Ryan, Anthony, Tristen, Vladik, and Heather

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Little Girl Suffering from Autism

Is autism coming closer to your children?
            Many families have suffered and have paid lots of money for their child that has autism. These families have suffered enough and we should help.

          Autism is a disorder that affects the brains normal development of social and communication skills that appears in the first 3 years of life. Researchers don’t know what causes this disease but the study of this is active.

          Researchers believe that these might be the causes, but have not been proven, they are: diet, digestive tract changes, mercury poisoning, body inability to properly use vitamins and minerals and vaccine sensitivity.

          Boys with autism get affected 3-4 times more than girls often do. Children with autism, has increased for the past few years. Student Amy Lu states “Yes, I think that autism will increase because the genetic gene can pass down to the next generation.”

          There are many different symptoms that have made children have a harder and difficult life. Children have problems with pretend play, social interaction and verbal and nonverbal communication. Before the ages 1 and 2 they lose language or social skills that they already gained before. People with autism have problems with overly sensitive in sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. They also have unusual distress when routines are changed. There are many more symptoms that affect the a child’s life but those are just a few.

          Kids and older people with autism may got to moderate to severe autism. For example they cannot maintain a social communication with gestures instead of words. They also develop their language slowly or not at all. Usually people with autism don’t make friends. Student Naomi Eaphen says” Yes it could be a problem in the future because school can be difficult for them and they could get bullied because they have autism. “ It would be hard to “click” with other students” student Robin Lee reports. It’s not easy for students with autism to have a social and communication or to have a good education.
Little Boy learning how to wash his hands using the pictures infront of him

If children fail to meet: babbling by 12 months, gesturing by 12 months( like waving bye bye), saying single words by 16 months and many more they would need more testing than usual. Hospitals and specialists would usually evaluate children in: Communication, language, motor skills, speech, success at school and thinking abilities.

           “Yes they need more attention because they need more help and support than we do” student Naomi Eaphen says. There are a variety of therapies that are available like: Medications, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech-language therapy. There are a variety of programs also. Applied Behavioral Analysis
(ABA) that is for younger children with an autism spectrum disorder. They use one-on-one teaching to practice various skills, this makes it very expensive. The program is usually done in the child’s home under the supervision of a behavioral psychologist.

          Medicine is also used to help these people with autism. The medication is usually used to treat behavior and emotional problems. They usually use medication with problems like: aggression, anxiety, attention problems, and many more.

          Children with autism seem to respond to a gluten-free diet. Gluten is found in foods containing wheat, rye, and barley. They also respond to a casein-free diet. Casein is found in foods in milk, cheese, and other dairy products.

          Things can get complicated. Autism can be associated with other disorders that also affect the brain like: fragile X syndrome, mental retardation and tuberous sclerosis.

          These children need more help and support and people need to know about this disorder that affects young children. Support these children and donate for the families that don’t have enough money to pay for treatments and medicine.


By :Liset Morales

Word Count: 607


1 comment:

  1. Liset, you have written a beautiful article. Bravo!

    Ms. Clements
