Michael, Sergio, Olivia, Jaume, Julia, Jonah, Ryan, Anthony, Tristen, Vladik, and Heather

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fast Food Surprises Jeremy Oh

Alex Hart In Front Of Car
A Roast Beef Sandwich, The Kind That Alex Ate

Fast Food Restaurant Mistakes?

Ryan Hart, 14, was at the Arby's restaurant  when he found a nasty surprise in a roast beef sandwich. He was in an Arby's in Jackson, Michigan when he tasted something rubbery and spit it out. It was about a one inch long by half an inch wide piece of a finger Jackson reports. Findings like these fast food restaurants are found all over the world.
"I think each one needs, like, a checkup." states Sean Van Dyke of Stoller Middle School.
" I just think it's disgusting, I mean, there's no excuse." he says.
The woman at the station had cut her hand on a slicer and left her station without immediately telling anyone. She left her station with the piece of finger still on the cutting board and the sandwich was put together before she could tell anyone. Then, Alex Hart tasted the wonderful, chewy taste of a finger in his mouth.

“I was about to puke... It was just nasty.” Says Alex Hart.
There was also an incident (location not released), where Reddit user, LinkBoyJT, posted a picture of a cockroach in a hash brown in McDonalds.
"Instead of going around and doing your job, which you should still do, you should be observant when you are working." says Ms.Clements from Stoller Middle School
If people would pay attention to what they're doing, there wouldn't be any of these problems. The people manning the stalls would find the piece of finger and the blood that's there and the people would see the cockroach in the bottom of the hash brown. Gross incidents that include non-edible items in fast food restaurants happen all over the world.
"I think that the fast food places should be sued or should be shut down if they make gross mistakes like this." says Sergio Menezes.
John Gray, a spokesman for Arby's reported this gross incident and apologized for this. He confirmed that once the Arby's heard about this, they closed down food production and sanitized their restaurant. Alex Hart went to the hospital to get a blood check and got a prescription for his blood.
" Someone loses a finger and you keep sending food out the window?! I can't believe that." says Ryan's incredulous mother when Alex told her that He found a piece of a finger in his sandwich.

His mother though he was kidding until he showed her. They went to the Arby's immediately and said this. She called 911 and met the police at the local hospital. She still doesn't know what course of action to take. Many incidents like this have happened all over the world and many fast food places closed down because of these mistakes. Like Sergio said, we should close down all fast food restaurants that make mistakes like this and put a stop to this. This is a problem that we can, and hopefully will, stop forever.

Word Count: 502

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy, nice article about a very icky subject. However, is this article about Alex or Ryan? I'm a bit confused... It is unclear.

    Ms. Clements
