Michael, Sergio, Olivia, Jaume, Julia, Jonah, Ryan, Anthony, Tristen, Vladik, and Heather

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Budget Cuts, What Will Happen Next?

Stoller Middle School. One of the places that will
 be affected.
Budget Cuts, What Will Happen Next?

 By: Aliya Mahmoud

    Budget cuts are affecting all of us. Teachers might have to move, classes will get bigger and choices are decreasing. At Stoller Middle School in Beaverton, Oregon, we are already cutting 6.5 teachers, and class sizes are going to increase. We are losing one specialty period and will be having less options on what kinds of classes we want to take. Teachers won’t have that extra time to plan, grade or get caught up. They are going to have to manage more kids and won’t be able to get as much one on one time with students.


I asked some students how these changes are going to affect them and here is what they had to say. Olivia Warren said “I think it is going to put more strain on which classes I want to do.” Nicole Kiley states “I prefer one on one time with teachers. If there are more kids then teachers can’t do that.”

There just isn’t enough money to keep everything so the principal, Mrs. Richey has to make some difficult decisions on what to keep and sadly, what needs to go. Teachers might have to change classrooms, change schools and even change jobs. That means that your favorite teacher might not be here next year. But Mrs. Richey wants students to know that it is not our fault. We can’t control what it will look like next year or how classes are going to be. But we can try to do what we can to try and make this new experience run smoothly.

We can't keep everything, there isn't enough money.
Mrs. Dietrich exclaims “The schedule might look a little different and I am hoping we will get to stay in our halls because RED HALL IS AWESOME! But we will have to wait and see.” Mrs. Slater commented “We will be losing teachers and the specialty classes will be more streamlined. Class sizes are going to be huge and I am afraid of that.”

Classes are going to get immense. Teachers are worried about how they are going to be able to control all of those students. They won’t have time to talk or help kids individually. Mrs. Dietrich remarked  “I think students are going to have to get use to a little more independence because of the class sizes. They won’t get as much one on one time with us teachers.”

Losing things, changing things, what will happen next?
 Now not all kids are looking at this in a bad way. Some are seeing a different side of the situation. Hayden K. mentions “I’m gonna be really glad because I don’t have to take art. I will be able to text more and be unnoticed.” 

This might affect some students education and learning style. If you are in class and you don’t get how to do something, the teacher might not have enough time to personally help you and explain things to you. There will be much more kids to deal with and teachers might have a hard time constructing everyone. You will have to start getting use to working alone or using your classmates for help.

Budget cuts are going to affect everyone at Stoller and in the Beaverton School District. Many things will be different and many things will change. We don’t know what it will be like next year or what to expect, but we will just have to wait and see.

Word Count: 571

1 comment:

  1. Aliya, thank you for writing about an important issue facing public education and the Stoller community. You have written this piece in such a way that everyone can understand the often difficult bits of ninformation.

    Ms. Clements
