Michael, Sergio, Olivia, Jaume, Julia, Jonah, Ryan, Anthony, Tristen, Vladik, and Heather

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens
By Nick Daniel and Nick Wiley

Has there been aliens on this Earth, sharing their superior knowledge of science and engineering with us? Have they visited a thousand years ago? Did they share their expertise, which led to the advancements of early civilizations?
              Ancient alien theorists, like Erich Von Dåniken, believe that thousands of years ago extraterrestrials landed here on Earth and shared their vast amount of knowledge with humans. Aliens were hailed as Gods and helped shape early civilizations. People ask, "how can aliens visit Earth, when there is probably no life in our galaxy other than us?". But proof exists that led to this theory. The proponents of the theory point to two types of evidence: ancient religious texts and large physical specimens such as the great pyramids, cave drawings, and stone sculptures.
         Large artistic drawings only seen from high in the air suggest that aliens have visited. The Nazca Lines are an example of that. The Nazca Lines are etched into a high plateau in Peru's Nazca Desert that are a series of ancient designs stretching more than 50 miles. Along with simple lines and geometric shapes, there are also drawings of birds, animals, and humans, some measuring more than 600 feet across. Because of the colossal size of the drawings, they can only truly be appreciated in the air, and there is no evidence that the Nazca people, who inhabited the place from between 300 A.D to 800 A.D, invented flying machines. According to ancient alien theorists, the figures were used to guide spaceships as they came in for a landing, and the lines were used as runways.
         More proof of the possibility of ancient aliens are the massive objects built without the use of modern tools and machines. The polynesian island of Easter island has large, stone statues called “moai”: the 887 giant human heads that guards the Island’s coastline. Roughly 500 years old, these monolithic statues stand 13 feet height and weigh 14 tons, but some are twice as tall and much heavier. How could humans transport such incredible structures without the help of sophisticated tools, knowledge, or engineering craft. Ancient alien theorists believe that it is the work of visiting extraterrestrials leaving their mark on the island.
 The Puma Punku, located in the Bolivian highlands, present proof of visiting extraterrestrials. The Puma Punku is a field of stone ruins scattered with giant, finely carved rocks. Such precise workmanship on a massive scale would have been nearly impossible without modern tools and machines, but the ruins were created more than 1,000 years ago, before the human race was even close to being technologically advanced. Ancient alien theorists hypothesize that extraterrestrials advanced engineering techniques created the site, or the advised the people who built it.
This is model of a flying vimana.
Ancient alien theorists believe
these were made to copy a UFO
In a section of the Hebrew bible, it describes that a prophet has seen a large flying vessel in the sky. It is said to have been accompanied by fire, lots of smoke and very loud noises. many modern ancient alien theorists have argued the fact that those attributes sound very much like those of a modern space ship or plane. The text in the Hebrew bible describes also a encounter between humans and these alien beings, not just the alien beings landing and leaving. This adds to the amount of proof that leads many humans believe that these ancient existed. Also, anotherpainting contains references to flying machines, or alien hovercrafts. The Sanskrit epics, written over a million years ago, refers to flying spaceships called vimanas. Pointing to similarities between the descriptions of vimanas and reports by people have claimed that they have seen an alien hovercraft, ancient alien theorists suggest that astronauts from other planets visited India during ancient times.
These are the three pyramids of Giza
More proof, probably the most talked about proof, of ancient aliens are the Great Pyramids of Giza. The pyramids were finished in 2640 B.C. But how did the people of Egypt build such a large building without the help of modern day machines? The answer is, alien knowledge and engineering. How could the slaves andpeasants of Egypt carry up to 80 ton blocks without the help of machines? The largest pyramid of Giza stayed as the tallest building made by mankind for 3,800 years, and the accuracy of the builder’s  workmanship is only 5.8 centimeters off on each side. How could a pyramid of that size and accuracy be built without modern day machines? Ancient alien theorists believe that aliens helped plan, carry, and build the pyramid and the blocks of the pyramid.
Erich Von Daniken, one of the original
theorists of the Ancient alien theory
Erich Von Daniken was born in 1935 in Switzerland. He had one of the major current theories on ancient aliens. His theory is also known as the ancient astronaut theory. He is an author of 26 books. His theory states that thousands of years ago space travelers that are not from Earth taught humans religions that differ from their own and taught us very many technological advances. As proof for his theory he made a point that some religious texts that said heavenly beings that had very unnatural powers. As another point in his evidence are the massive structures that would have taken very strong mechanical equipment that we do not have in the current era. Some of these structures are stonehenge, The Great Pyramid of Giza and the Maoi islands. These places all show lots of phenomenal artifacts that have not been explained.Many sightings of UFOs have been reported across the united states and across the world. many of these have not been explained by anyone. Many of these artifacts have been taken to places like area 51. Many people believe that things like that arefaked. Josef Triman was interviewed and he said in response to the question: Do you believe that ancient aliens existed? Why? he said “No, because i have seen no proof that they exist”. Aiden Woodworth agrees with this by stating: “no, because they seem absurd and unnatural”. Mihir Palan has a contradictory statement to this question: “Yes, because there has been significant amount of proof of bees disappearing because of reasons that people don’t know yet”. Casey Butz agrees with what Mihir says and states “since there has been bacteria on a comet from Mars, why not visiting aliens. People are 50/50 on the theory of ancient aliens. But there is a lot of proof pointing toward visiting aliens.
Unidentified flying objects (ufos) were known to be
 alien spacecraft, visiting from different planets.
Many people don’t think that ancient aliens exist. But there are many pieces of evidence that suggests that aliens did visit the Earth over a thousand years. Ancient alien theorists search for more answers and more info about ancient aliens. Also, since aliens have visited before, they could visit us again. Ancient alien theorists say that the aliens think that by sharing their views with the world, they can prepare future generations for the inevitable encounter that awaits them. Most people don’t believe in ancient aliens, but they’re out there, watching...

word count:1164
Nick Wiley
Nick Daniel

1 comment:

  1. Nick and Nick- I too have wondered if there really is an extraterrestrial existence. You two have made some interesting points, though I would make sure your transitions are flawless so that there is no confusion.

    Ms. Clements
